Aita for my petty response reddit

I had felt truly alone in the world before Mike. Since he pulled this yesterday, waking me up to lock the door for him as he'd left his keys at work (I gave him my spare key the evening before so he could go to the gym, it Business, Economics, and Finance. My future husband has 3 kids with his ex. I could have tried an approach which didn't make the conflict about our personal feud and I was only trying to embarress my co-worker than try to make the event of playing music a mutual benefit for Yes, YTA for the way you "expressed" your "truth. Finally, I said, “okay fine, I will take another steak medium rare please. If i can't have them. Everyone looked confused even though I said I won’t be carrying it since it’s not my drink. Today her first item sold. The owner saw her, greeted her like family, and handed her an apron, despite my mom clearly being a plague bearer. Here's how it happened. I know it was petty as hell, but I’m tired of being the only one in our friendship who gives a damn about the other party. NTA just ignore her and plant more privacy bushes. In mid April, he came to our house to see my sister on her birthday. While I really wanted to set it on fire and send her a photo, I put it in my mailbox, told her it was there, and repeated that I never wanted her to contact me again. I want to be a good friend, but not a free therapist. I have recently started to make my friends. Now, most people in the department loved my response, but I'm hearing a few guys think it was rude. Kyla was very mean to me and I had a hard time to the point that I had to move to I (F 32) got with my my fiancé (M 40) about 2 years ago. I’ve known a few men just like this guy, and they’ve all been cheaters. 9M subscribers in the AmItheAsshole community. I know it’s really stupid and petty, but I’ve had a bad day and I wanted to laugh with my friends about something only for it to make me feel worse. ". These are all minor AH behaviors on your part but IMO it's pretty cut and dry. First part is past so if u wanna skip that go ahead. So my DIL has a habit of one upping people, at the beginning I don’t really notice it but it is obvious now. Follow the link above to learn more Julia looked me dead in the eyes, said something specifically in response to my question and added “You aren’t even married or have a kid yet, you wouldn’t understand. For context i invited let’s say Jason out with me and my friends as he had no friends. I get along pretty well with most of my team, expect for one person. They ended up going to the bar/restaurant my mom used to work at. Last night, he fell asleep at 12. It takes 7 times before they just shuffle out the way, and since they have ALL thier conversations in kitchen it happens 4-5 times a day just passing through. most likely both of you will have better luck with a different person, now you are a bit older and wiser. First, I no longer feel bad about making my dad leave the meet-up - since he somehow reconciled with both my mom and sister. Not the A-hole. AITA for being petty to my next door neighbor. My rational response is that she should get her shit together and no adult should expect to just leave a mess a mess for however long in the company of other people. My parents gave each of my brothers $50,000 when they graduated from university as a downpayment on their home. ADMIN MOD. OrganicHighlight5741. For example my daughter was really into making pies. They exist but are so stupid, ridiculous or petty or bigoted, that even the people with the reasons know they are stupid, ridiculous, petty or bigoted so they can't, won't articulate them. For the record, I never picked on her over a weight issue. Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. Whether they are a justified asshole or not is based on how awful the wife is or isn't. My parents cared more about me getting a degree than my mental health. This essentially equates to like 3-7 deliveries a day. I have only the deepest love and respect for you both and I love your son dearly. AITA? Once we met, I asked who’s taking the bag. 1. But most of my past friendships came about through him. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to… MY wife switched all of her shifts except one in the seven days. For context, FH and I have been engaged for a year, and I have been having fun looking at all kinds of wedding and wedding ideas, from themed weddings, to small and intimate weddings. That said, I can also see how it would be better for my own mental health not to continue to fixate on the toxicity of these in-laws. It could be said I'm being petty because this was a long time ago and I should've done it to help her out not hold over her head, some ppl might see my actions as entitled. Help keep the sub engaging! ADMIN MOD. Her right is to ask you politely and accept you speak how you speak or leave the situation. But not to correct you constantly. If you miss this event, you can tell them, you are making the choice that THEY forced. 18 votes, 24 comments. So background: I (32f) have a brother, "Dave" (35m), who's married to "Sarah" (29f). TL;DR parents sent out petty letter naming and shaming me to friends and family, I respond by being equally (probably more tbh) petty in response. On friday my inlaws celebrated my husband's 30th birthday at their home. My (F24) bestfriend (Alice F24) came down over the weekend to stay at mine for a few weeks. It's not about the money. A couple that we are friends with invited us to a party. Update #1: I found out the exact reason for my brother's family and I not getting invited. When I graduated they did not do the same for me. Me and my boyfriend (19M, 21M) moved in together in an apartment 2 weeks ago. It was on and in the toilet, the bath, it coated the shower, it was in my toothbrush, my drinking glass and my retainers. Her argument for not carrying it was that my bag was too ugly. Important-Writing889. BTW [her last name] is a really pretty name". Subreddit Announcements. OP is an asshole for SAYING that they didn't pay for the first wedding because they hated the wife, and an asshole for saying that they'd pay for the second. AITA for doing the same thing to my sister-in-law that she does to my son? Not the A-hole. I am not at all a quiet person. We've been inseparable since kindergarten, and I was ready to make her big day unforgettable. My mom tells me a story of when she was sick with something, and a friend offered to take her out for a nightcap. At the end the cake was a whole disaster,it was falling apart from too much cream and I yelled her in top of my lungs that she keeps destroying everything I make ,she put on the sad face saying she won't bother with me and my AITA for being "petty" by being louder like they asked. Follow the link above to learn It depends, in my country you have to give 2 weeks notice to quit a job as an employee. Reply. No one has them. Usually, it's another couple and we all become friends. Around three months ago my sister called me at work (using my work phone) and told me she needed me and could I please come to her. She'd also pulled this stunt at the time I was cleaning out my snake's enclosure, so it was also all over my snake's stuff- it had soaked into and cemented itself onto I’d give examples but there not enough space on Reddit. Then we can all live in a better world. We planned a 3 day 2 night trip to Niagara, I took them to a baseball game, out for dinner to my favorite spots, did the tropey tourist stuff I've never done either, CN tower, hockey hall of fame, st. My goal was to give her a bit of a scare by making it clear that she isn't anonymous. now due to some of her issues, i do not blame her for any of this Making a chocolate pie for their family was not a good move and it blew up. We are talking like $3 delivered to your door. I moved away from home for university in 2022, this was when I had just turned 18. If they get no reply for every outreach they make, then they're whining and wailing into the void with no satisfaction or vindication. Memes allowed, shitposts only on weekends. I'll often order coffee or whatever as well. Jen began to call me childish for not just carrying the drink, I said it’s not my responsibility & it’s heavy. When I say it was on and IN everything, I'm not joking. I won't go into it anymore than I'd beg my mum weekly if not daily to leave this man. So what say you reddit, AITA? I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. I hung up the phone and continued about my day. So we waited about 2 months to tell the rest of the family because we didn't want to hurt her feelings. Friend didn't do anything wrong. My face turns cold. writinwater. Even on the good days. My ex wife and I have had the same custody arrangement for years. I wore a heart-shaped blue dress and had my hair up. My girlfriend, 38, and I ,44, have been together for almost 11 years. At 3 am (a message I get every 2 months and usually validate his feelings) and I was annoyed as hell and simply responded with “skill issue” and turned off my phone. It bothered me a little bit because I was there to see him but I let it go because I was just glad he’s happy. I fell asleep at 1:30, and got up for the kids at 2:45 and 4. I have 54. I (28F) am entangled in a wedding drama of epic proportions. Three months after my sister and her soon-to-be husband got engaged, my grandmother requested my sister not invite "the sinners". NTA - The petty bitch part probably should have stayed an inside thought, but it’s nowhere near as bad as MIL’s reaction to BIL. I think it was perfectly acceptable. A few of my dishes occasionally go missing for a day or so and then I find them left dirty on the counter after she used them without asking my permission, and whenever confronted she just lies her way out of it saying our dishes look similar (they dont they're just both the same colour) until I get too exhausted to argue further. I deliver food for a living. It's been a few months since I initially posted, so here's an update on how my life's going. I don’t know how your kitchen is set up but I have designated places for my dishes. I skipped my lectures for the rest of the day, head straight home and begin to scream into my pillow and sob until my eyes turn red. 3. It was my last delivery before I was to go take care of my grandson because my daughter is braced up due to having 3 broken thoracic vertebrae. Literally everyone at the table bursted into laughter and my sister and her boyfriend were stunned. The last time I believe I laid my head on one of my parent’s shoulders is either to give a hug (aka when it is expected) or when I was like 5 and under and being carried piggy back. Where I might’ve been “petty” is that The Wife gave one of those non-apologies and asked for her plastic food container back. How this worked in my building is what you would expect from a hotel or an office. He gets up at six thirty for work, and he woke me up at 7 for zero reason. 4. Don't let them live rent-free in Mum and now "dads" relationship was rocky with a lot of abuse for about 9-10yrs. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. Instead of coming to me, teach your kids not to be ruthless shitheads like you were. One day during lunch, he asked my friend group if he could sit there and we said A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. Crypto AITA: aita for being petty about my “step” brother. I have a son who just turned four and a three-month-old daughter with my husband (39m). " If you lived abroad, your parents would probably postpone big events until you could be there, too. However when it comes to saying "excuse me" as I'm going by my family ignore it. But my sister (22F) called me yesterday and told me to stop giving her the silence treatment and answer her texts and if I didn’t want to talk to her about certain things then tell her but that she’s really desperate. AITA for telling a petty classmate he’s still a loser? Asshole. NAH, just 2 emo kids. My husband was backing me up and getting even more frustrated than me. I planned at least one event every day. then, she ran inside to get something and came back with markers and ruined the dress even more. She was meant to come down some weeks back but did not want to leave her exes house, they’d been broken up for over 7 months,been fighting a lot and it had been a toxic dynamic where she was asking for more and he was constantly saying she was not enough, cheating and trying to change her while she Bullies have apologized to me as well and my response is usually the same: “Thanks for the kind words now, but you still inflicted lasting pain that changed me forever. I have dealt with this for yearsssss. In my experience when no one says why, the reasons are usually bullshit. My sister made it clear that she wanted an intimate wedding (60 guests) and since my gf isn’t wife she didn’t consider her family. He bought a ton of gifts and said a AITA for wanting my coworker to quit. I (20m) moved out from my parents house a bit over a year ago, there has always been a lot of arguments and Fights between me, my mom and my stepdad. My petty response is to put on gloves, mop up the mess with a towel or whatever, then wring it out on her floor and leave the towel there. Thank God for masks. Whenever he tries to pull petty tricks on me, I stomp him with kindness and simply clean up after myself, my partner (26f) or my Call the police department and asked to speak to the captain and let them know that she is using (or threatening to use) her cop brother as her own personal thug/security officer for her petty complaints. They don't have children yet. You cut them off, should've cut them off the second you were paying uni on your own. At the time, I met a guy, (21M), let’s call him Mike. For context i invited let’s say Jason was invited out with me and my friends as he had no friends. My petty nature would just up the swearing until every other second word would be foul. I was having a bad day in my personal life trying to juggle taking care of injured family members. She said I was " playing the victim". I told her that I was really trying to get on good terms and told her she was being petty. I don’t want to hurt my friend either and I know they didn’t have bad intentions. My boyfriend 23M and I 23F have been together for about 2 years. My mom recently asked me to start selling some items for her. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Host gifts are part of my culture and to arrive for a visit without a gift is extremely disrespectful in my culture. Yesterday we were painting walls, we were playing music, it’s wasn’t that loud, but walls aren’t that thick so I guess our next door neighbor could hear it. So Join my therapy! And if miss Petty Queen reads this, thank you for being my therapy So my ex (24M) and i(22f) have been around eachother for 4 years, we met on tinder and basically been together ever since. My girlfriend doesn't much care for western food, so sometimes we will order from different places. NTA but I don't get how you can tolerate it. You probably should’ve talked to him about rearranging so you can reach things and not do something petty that results in cabinetry being damaged. However he has decided to start unnecessary drama towards my life. It was several hours later that I got a message from my parents saying I needed to be with my sister. NTA. ” A food runner brought my new steak and my husband went to the bar to order us drinks because our server did not return to our table. I was very nice and respectful towards him so as were my friends for as far as i know . AITA (25m) for ignoring demands made by my (41y) StepFather. The straw that broke the camels back for me was when I asked my dad to be my patient for school. You are expending all of your energy and prolonging your misery. In response, I dueted the video and greenscreened screenshots of his texts from when he ditched me to film, pushed dates back by hours, cancelled plans, etc. It's their anniversary, not yours, so getting jealous over when they schedule a big celebration is just weird. She said she’d come retrieve it. AITA for being petty? Not the A-hole. If I was living with someone who couldn’t reach then I’d rearrange the cupboards. AITA for accepting money from my parents for my wedding then eloping. In summation: my unemployed boyfriend, who does no housework, refuses to cook (only for me, he will happily cook for himself!), and contributes nothing financially, expects me to give him half of my apartment. It was more along the lines of: "If you don't invite your siblings you'll get a hefty portion of my will. one of her boyfriends had just gotten out of jail for doing “bad things to women”, and one of them was in a gang, overall just terrible men. He was kind of the social outcast type, the kid who sits at lunch alone and gets picked last for parter/group projects. One time I made a strawberry cake for my grandma's birthday and she came to it to add a whole tones of whipping cream. If the wife really is an asshole and unlikable, OP is a justified asshole. A few minutes later I get a notification saying she replied, but when I check I see she's unmatched me. I hated my step siblings for soo long based on the resent they fostered. I spent nearly $700 on her Bachelorette party, buying I female her also female we will call her livie she is same age It all started in year 4 I went to her house and I was telling her about our school project but also how I was getting bullied but then she turned around and told me that she has been going thru worse by worse she was getting bullied for not putting a crop top on as u could see every thing and I was getting bullied for my weight She said it was bullshit for me to ask her to move on and said I was only asking to move on being I'm fat now. A majority of the people who I manage are older than me, ranging from ages, 34 (or so) - 50 years. “Uh, okay, sorry”, I say and quickly walk away. You gave them to me. I first have to say English isn't my first language but I'll try my best to explain. This is when I had a petty idea. I agued with my mom and my sister was laughing and laughing at the ruined dress while saying that "the perfect dress for my ugly sister". I turn on to the cul de sac. That said she is way out of line. no worries, neither of you is the devil, just maybe together you didn't make a good pairing. I don’t know if it’s because he started out as a street kitten, and he was basically trapped and tamed, or if it’s just his nature. I admit, it was petty, but I was upset that he was essentially using our relationship for clout & "boyfriend points" with his followers but hasn't been putting any effort into the My petty ass be like ok flush. I told her I just needed to get my clothes and shoes, the problem my dad and I had was Eventually I’ll be able to convince her to let me use my money to purchase resale items. 2. I'm good to have things thrown on, I wouldn't bring it up but I live by a rule of "I won't say anything behind your back I won't say to your face" which had lead to interesting moments (once spoke truth about a friend of mine to a mutual while i was literally standing 6 inches behind my friend, got called on it by the mutual, told them my rule ADMIN. AITA for being petty/mad that I wanted to go home early. So there’s this classmate of mine who I first encountered back in 7th grade. Please accept my sincere apology. But you need to dump this clown now. You'll be much happier and healthier for it! Move on and don't look back. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you… My friend messaged me on two different apps and I haven’t responded. AITA for gatekeeping my recipes from my one upper DIL. Few seconds later her boyfriend excused himself out and my sister followed then sent me a text after they left saying I was I don’t say this on Reddit often. 15M subscribers in the AmItheAsshole community. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you… Posted by u/AITA_petty_laundry - 105 votes and 48 comments My friend thinks my actions were deplorable. I’ve had a lot of cats, and he is the most anxious. And make no mistake - that includes you. it happens. This then caused me to end up being kicked out by my mom and stepdad. I was in dental hygiene school and everyone had family come in to help progress through the semester. Honestly it doesn't sound like she respects you very much at all and even seems to resent you. As an employers its at least 1 month after probation period, unless the employee did something really bad. My father is wealthy so we used to go to a fancy school. They get some kind of charge out of “putting one over” on anyone. My parents treated my step siblings so much better then me. I’m not saying all family dynamics were like mine, but I simply cannot imagine a scenario where a 15 yr old, and especially a son, is putting his head on his I, in return, told him while maintaining eye contact: "trust me, if I wanted an asshole's opinion, I would've farted!". The dramatic spit out, and asking you to leave was over the top and weird. Silence is the most petty thing you can do. I have a good chuckle, feel satisfied in my petty little , and go on my way. ESH Sarcasm is petty and isn't a great way to point out someone's poor behavior. I really think my cat has kitty ptsd from being trapped. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I was really petty to my mom, I don't think I was wrong, but I may have went overboard and went nuclear with the pettiness. So far I have listed about 20 items. She knocked on our door, I opened it. 3 days ago ยท I love my cat, but he is the most frightened little guy I have ever had. Taking the posts seriously is heavily discouraged. TAkatynotkatie. Your fiancé sleeping in the couch instead of giving you a hug and saying, “please knock it off with the pie. AITA for being petty and not helping my stepmom? I (17F) had to pick up the rest of my things from my dad's house after our little altercation, I couldn't drive my mom's car because it was in the shops so I had to ask my boyfriend if he could take me. I brought up when I loaned my cousin some money a year ago when she kicked me off her Hulu account. Everyone in the family has something they are good at and it’s like their thing. I'm the kind of woman who would be petty enough to constantly keep it on the wall, even if it was a reminder of them questioning my faithfulness. ” Diana laughed a little and added, “Not yet ” They then continued to talk about their kids till it was decided we had been there long enough (a total of nearly 2 hrs In case this story gets deleted/removed: AITA for not wanting 50/50 custody. AITA for not inviting my stepsister who bullied me to my wedding? Not the A-hole. For calling my sister petty for her reaction to my son damaging her house plants Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. Even if you gave a notice for 2 weeks and the boss tells you, that you don't have to work, you are still entitled to your pay. My recently engaged best friend (29F) asked me to be her Maid of Honor, and words can't even describe how happy I was. They are not your coworkers or managers anymore. Now my fathers house to my school is maybe 40-45 mins. My mom has used my selling service before and gave me commission so I assumed we were doing the same thing. While we were eating my BIL pointed at me and said that my cleavage was showing and that I shouldn't have wore this dress because it looked inappropriate for a family gathering. Instead of trying to talk to me or getting me to therapy he put all the effort into giving me talks which were basically just him saying over and over how upset he was because i wasn't going to school and that he did everything he should as a parent such as clothing me, feeding me and putting a roof over my head and "this is how i'm repaying Not the A-hole. background information: my bestfriend has had a hard life, some of her issues effect the men she chooses when dating, she honestly takes any man that shows her any bit of attention. You can cut them off, leave them to suffer their own consequences and still be petty. I bought my obviously out-of-place, overpowered speaker to my workplace just to better a co-worker who I thought was being a control freak. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. When you get frustrated with her nonsense, just remember to mellow your reaction to her so that your family can’t focus on one bad word choice of yours and ignore the bigger problems. Then she slipped and fell on the ground. Wrong. I would think it's hilarious. Yeah I'd be super petty too cause theres plenty of ways to spell my name, one r, two r's, one t, two t's and so on but my name is spelt with two r's and two t's thus whenever I see anything that says First name Surname and my first name is spelt incorrectly I get a little pissy ngl. ”. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Any response from you only helps them, since they can DARVO anything you say and justify their victim-ness. I wasn’t wearing a 12M subscribers in the AmItheAsshole community. I asked about it and they said my husband should provide. 8 percent according to our paperwork. Asking for the money back after you agreed to pay isn't "sharing your feelings" and I don't think the friend "made you feel like shit" I think the consequences of your behavior are why you feel bad. My father remarried when I (25F) was 14, his wife Mary (49F) and his stepdaughter Kyla (26F) were hell in my life. AITA: aita for being petty about my “step” brought. AITA? AITA: Got petty revenge and told his girlfriend EVERYTHING months after I ended things with him AITA: Petty Revenge, I told his girlfriend EVERYTHING This is going to be a very long but very juicy story. I (27y female) Have been working at my job for over 6 years, I manage a group of people that I am responsible for in my department. We have been living together for 8 years and we’re expecting although it’s too early so we haven’t told anyone yet. Lawrence market, etc. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. Telling my friends I won’t pay for their kids as they won’t accommodate my dog 2) My friends say I’m being petty and comparing my dog to their kids Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. She's had numerous tantrums about my pregnancy, including when we told my in laws and they didn't think they could keep the secret out of excitement and wanted to announce it when the family got together (which we told them they could do). My SF has been trying to force home chores and cleaning upon me after a mentally challenging and draining upbringing as well as surprising turns of events. It's not her right to police and make you change your language. He wants this to be a marital asset because he wants to be able to take half of it freely when he walks away. You were petty and walked into that. Anyone who gets a kick out of petty theft is not only pathetic, they’re just bad people. . My dad (53M) agrees with her and say that I should answer her and talk to my mom and my girlfriend (18F) also said that I Dear Mr and Mrs I am writing this to apologise for any discomfort I caused you. As a small child I knew that moment wasn't worth the nightmare at dawn. Finally my mum kicked him out, ofcourse my mum had a new man in no time. Every time I would come visit my dad, he would only spend a day with me then would ask my boyfriend and I to watch his dog so he could stay at Alayna’s house for the rest of the time. When asking for a real apology my dad claps back with a "I could've been worse" and still says he did apologize when he didn't. If this had happened to me I would have exploded. r/AmItheAsshole. mm um jg zz xy oo ek qq sv ff